Thursday, May 8, 2008

GTA IV blows away the record

No taint of ill repute could deter the worldwide rush for "Grand Theft Auto IV," a notoriously violent video game that racked up a record $500 million in estimated retail sales globally in its first week.

Take-Two Interactive Software, the "Grand Theft Auto" publisher that's under pressure from a takeover bid by Electronic Arts, said Wednesday that GTA IV sold approximately 6 million copies in the seven days since its April 29 release.

About 3.6 million copies were sold the first day, with a retail value of roughly $310 million for combined sales of the standard $60 game and a $90 collector's edition, the company said. GTA IV is available for two consoles, Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3.

The dollar figures were boosted by exchange rates that made the retail price significantly higher in Europe, where almost as many copies may have been sold as in the United States, according to analyst Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan Securities.

Still, the GTA results soared beyond the previously reported video-game and entertainment highs: $300 million in global first-week sales last year for Microsoft's "Halo 3" game, and worldwide first-week movie box office totals of more than $400 million each last year for Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" and Sony's "Spider-Man 3."

Electronic Arts' $2 billion offer for Take-Two - repeatedly rejected by Take-Two's board - lingered in the backdrop amid

speculation about the effect of GTA sales on any potential negotiations. Take-Two's stock closed Wednesday at $26.26, down 9 cents but 52 cents above the $25.74 per share offered by EA.

"I don't see these figures having any impact on the EA takeover, although I'm sure that Take-Two management has a different view," Pachter said by e-mail.

Pachter added, "The first week sell-through doesn't change my view that lifetime sales (for GTA IV) will be approximately 18 million units, and doesn't change my valuation of the company - still below $20 - meaning that EA's offer still represents a premium to the intrinsic value of Take-Two."

Another analyst, Doug Creutz of Cowen and Co., said: "The game sold very well, and I think everyone expected that. I don't think this has any real impact on the EA bid."

Take-Two's management had said it would not engage in formal talks with EA until after GTA IV went on sale. Wednesday, Take-Two Chief Executive Ben Feder declined to comment on whether any talks had occurred since the game's release.

"Nothing has changed," EA spokesman Jeff Brown said. "We are maintaining our tender offer and have said repeatedly that we're willing to speak with management and negotiate the acquisition of this company." 

Feder declined to comment on whether the GTA IV launch exceeded Take-Two's projections. But he described the combined sales in Europe and the United States as an "extraordinary" example of global popularity.

He said the media and fan buzz about the game, which has garnered critical acclaim while being flagged by watchdog groups as a dangerous influence on kids, was proving more valuable than a marketing campaign.

"I wouldn't expect demand to drop off quickly," Feder said. "I expect word of mouth to drive sales well into the future."

GTA IV apparently is enticing some consumers into buying consoles: Microsoft said Xbox 360 sales went up 54 percent in the week following the game's launch, and Sony told the Associated Press that PS3 sales increased for its 10 largest retailers.

Entertainment analyst Paul Dergarabedian, president of Media By Numbers, said GTA IV combined with the new "Iron Man" film to create in dollars spent "what may have been the biggest entertainment week ever."

Despite speculation that pop-culture fans preoccupied with GTA IV would dilute the movie's attendance, "Iron Man" opened with a global box office of almost $200 million.

"I don't know exactly how to quantify the combination, but you've got the fan boys out there talking about both," Dergarabedian said.

"Even in times of economic uncertainty, when it comes to certain irresistible entertainment, the money comes out of the wallets."

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