Monday, July 21, 2008

iPhone Is Owned Again; Yawn

A little more than a week after Apple's shiny
new iPhone 3G went on sale, a team of programmers say they've, once
again, gained control over the highly coveted gadget.

A group known as the "iphone-dev team" announced yesterday that that
the iPhone 3G has been "jailbroken" as in "hacked" or, if you're really
into the slang "pwned."

In a post headlined "Thanks for waiting"
the iphone-dev team made available Pwnage 2.0 for both the iPhone and
iPod touch. This makes it possible to run applications not sanctioned
by the application gatekeepers at 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino.

Now, few would doubt that the iphone-dev team helped fuel the
success of iPhone 1.0. Without their tool there was no way to run
third-party software, which to a software junkie like me made the
iPhone much less useful than my oldDell ( Dell)
Axim pocket PC. I wanted any phone I carried to be able to run
applications and manage my data. Plus, last year there were many areas
of the globe where there were no carriers available for the phone.

Just to be clear, Pwnage 2.0 currently only jailbreaks the iPhone to
make it possible circumvent Apple's software gates, it doesn't yet
unlock the phone for use on unsanctioned cellular networks.

Today, it seems Apple is well on its way to having a very active,
almost fanatical, development community with hundreds of applications
already available. (I still haven't found a list management application
as powerful and ListPro, but that's another topic.) And more
applications are rolling down the pipeline.

Now one could make a good argument against the walled-garden
approach to application availability Apple is putting forth, but after
years of suffering through many crappy Windows Mobile applications, a
little quality control might not be a bad idea. Time will tell.

Additionally, the costs of unlocked iPhone 3Gs look to be just shy of $900. That almost makes the AT&T (NYSE: T) contract look cheap.

So this time around, I don't see much value in hacking open the
iPhone, especially not with the risk of waking up one day to find it

So, has any readers given Pwnage 2.0 a whirl? If so, we'd like to hear about it.

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