Calif., Oct. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- With October being NationalPhysical
Therapy Awareness Month, expect Nintendo Wiis to be flying off
theshelves. Among the first in line will be members of the California
PhysicalTherapy Association (CPTA), who stand by the video game console
and itsaccompanying sports and fitness games as one of the best
therapeutictechnology inventions to roll out in a long time.
"As physical therapists, we are movement specialists engaged in
theCPTA-sponsored MoveCalifornia campaign to get people active and fit
again. Inthe midst of this, we're seeing a therapeutic phenomenon of
sorts with kids,grown-ups and geriatric patients getting off the couch
and learning how toproperly use the Wii for core strength and balancing
exercises," said CPTAmember Amy Calhoun Sanchez, PT, DPT, CSCS,
Sanchez is a doctor of physical therapy working in the
outpatientrehabilitation department at a local Los Angeles hospital and
providespediatric home health care for developmentally delayed
"In the clinic setting, we treat patients with acute and chronic
pain,those recovering from surgery or stroke and many other conditions
withspecific balance and strengthening exercises and manual therapy,
and theyrespond to that," added Sanchez. "But the Wii sports games are
interactive,fun and entertaining, and patients become more engaged
playing with them. Byteaching patients how to use the Wii in a clinic
setting, we empower them tocontinue their exercise, fitness and
training with the Wii Fitness in thecomfort of their own homes."
While Sanchez emphasized Wii is helpful in preventing injuries and
fallsand increasing functionality, she cautions that anyone with
undiagnosed painor untreated injuries should refrain from using the Wii
without professionalguidance.
"Playing a Wii game too soon after an injury can be extremely
harmful to aperson's health and even set back recovery or lead to
re-injury if he or sheis not properly evaluated by a physical therapist
first," said Sanchez. "Atherapist will help to decrease pain and
improve posture before recommendingor advancing a Wii regimen tailored
to the individual's specific needs."
Sanchez noted most physical therapy includes core stability
training, butoften it is difficult to teach people how to engage their
core. "They tend toarch their backs and put too much weight on their
heels in a way that causesfurther pain with movement."
"What's so great about the Wii is it allows a patient to know where
thebody is in space by showing real-time movements on a screen in
simulated yoga,aerobics, strength training and balance exercises,"
stated Sanchez. "The Wiiis the next best thing to simulating an
environment on the golf course ortennis court, so we can see first hand
what a person is doing wrong andcorrect that movement. The Wii makes
for simple and fun therapy and, rightnow, is the coolest, new therapy
MoveCalifornia is a CPTA-sponsored statewide public education
campaigndesigned to call attention to the importance of wellness and
daily physicalexercise and the unique role physical therapists play in
these areas. Formore information about MoveCalifornia, visit the
MoveCalifornia Web site at
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