South Korean consumer electronics giant Samsung is reportedly
planning to break into the packed US laptop computer arena next year.
Samsung executives cited in the Wall Street Journal and other news
outlets Tuesday said the company will return to the US laptop market
with low-priced "netbooks" as well as thin, powerful models aimed at
Apple's elite MacBook Air.
Netbooks referred to no-frills laptop computers that rely on the Internet for most of their programs.
Samsung said it will sell its laptops in a partnership with a yet-to-be-disclosed US retail chain.
Samsung already sells its laptops in other countries, but wants to
make inroads into the US market representing 27 percent of the world's
laptop computer sales.
Word of Samsung's looking to wrest market share from strong players
in the US laptop market came as Apple unveiled a revamped line of
Macintosh laptop computers made leaner, slicker, faster and a bit more
Along with showing off new MacBook models heading for store shelves,
Apple cut the price of the original version to 999 US dollars.
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