Sunday, January 4, 2009

Nokia releases community gaming tools

Nokia has beefed up its offering to gaming developers, so it’s easier for them to make fun games for us all to play with.

Nokia has beefed up its offering to gaming developers, so it’s easier for them to make fun games for us all to play with.

The new SNAP Mobile SDK (software development kit) 2.0 makes it much simpler to make connected games that include community features. The kit simplifies the process of writing Java games as it includes tools for testing and emulation, speeding up development time.

The new environment supports multiplayer games and instant messaging, so you can communicate with other players. Now we just need to wait and see what those canny techheads do with the new toys on offer.

On the other hand, if you fancy getting all technical and trying it out for yourself, then you can download a copy of the SDK for free from Forum Nokia. Happy coding.

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