SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Mozilla has announced an Enterprise User Working Group to calm worries about its quick release schedule for its products.
Discussion, fears and problems have arisen over Mozilla's rapid releases of its Firefox web browser. The firm aims to answer questions and aid users with its Enterprise User Working Group.
On its blog Mozilla said the group is a "place for enterprise developers, IT staff and Firefox developers to discuss the challenges, ideas and best practices for deploying Firefox in the enterprise".
Mozilla is justifying its regular release cycle with the fact that life online is evolving fast, meaning that it's critical for the firm to deliver improvements faster to cope with the changes.
The online group will be a place for users to discuss challenges, submit ideas and have questions answered surrounding the deployment of Firefox and hear about Mozilla's plans.
One of the main objectives is to "establish a unified governance body around enterprise users of Firefox". To achieve this, the group will have conversations in person as well as monthly phone meetings.
The current version of Firefox, version 5, was released almost exactly a month after the Beta version. The browser war is fierce with big companies like Microsoft and Google competing for downloads and market share. It seems that web browser updates and new versions are key elements to making people think a firm is ahead of its rivals. µ
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